
Monday 2 February 2009

Snow, snow and yet more snow!

Fantastic! Snow! We had a few little flurries yesterday and in between flurries, I moved the whole of the log pile into the house, mice and all. I then shook a load more mice out of an old blanket that is kept in the barn and wrapped it around our pipes. We borrowed a DVD, then sat on the sofa and waited to be snowed in.

In the attempt to distract the girls from noticing that they were going to bed, I told them that if it snowed, they would go to nursery on a sledge in the morning. They immediately lay down and went to sleep - I will have to use that one again. This morning, it was straight to the window to see and, yep, snow. So I put my back out again, dragging the little ones along, scraping the bottom of the sledge on the frozen dog turds stuck to the pavement. It was great. By the time we got there, the little one clutching her carrot that I'd kindly donated for the nursery snowman, they both had wet coats and trouser legs full of snow.

Huw and I then started the process of stockpiling tins that is so essential for a snowstorm in this country. We now have enough tins of beans to keep our colons fresh until mid summer.

We then had a good five minutes watching the Council Man scraping snow from the pavements, turning it from a pile of snow that is quite easy to walk through to a lethal layer of compacted ice. We didn't feel that we could face staying any longer to see who broke their wrist on it first - if I don't manage to write another blog this week, you will know that karma has stepped in and it is me that is having to wear elasticated skirts and slippers as I can't do up buttons and laces for six weeks...