
Thursday 2 July 2009

A Pleasant Experience in the Post Office...


I usually end up in our village shop most days and tend to forget what I went in for and come out with a pile of chocolate for Huw and a jar of Marmite. Yesterday I went in and smiled vaguely at the woman in front of me in the queue. I was a bit of a state, having been up most of the night before with one of the girls, was wearing a bad vest and had "it'll surely do another day" hair.

She went to the counter and asked, "Do you have the new book by Lorraine Jenkin in please, as I'd heard her new one is out?"

Ali at the counter said, "ooh, I don't know, but ask - her" and pointed to me, frantically rubbing a cornflake off my vest. The woman looked at me and obviously thought, "Why? Does that state deal with the shelf stacking and ordering?"
"Yes, I wrote it! Why, have you read the other one?"
It turned out that she had and she had enjoyed it and she had sent it off to a few mates! Great!

I walked out of the shop with a smile on my face - and a tin of Golden Syrup for tea.

There is little else to report as I've spent the rest of the week nursing a child with suspected chicken pox and chasing a blue bottle fly.